Browsing Palimpsesto. Revista Científica de Estudios Sociales Iberoamericanos by Title
Now showing items 94-113 of 174
Millaray Painemal y Andrea Álvarez, compiladoras. Mujeres y pueblos originarios. Luchas y resistencias hacia la descolonización
Palimpsesto; Edición Especial: Diálogos coloniales, miradas cruzadas. Apuntes para la historia colonial chilena.; 185-186. -
Municipal Power. The Territorialization Process of the Chilean Central Government, 1830-1890
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
Museum and Anthropology. The Anthropological Knowledge in the Nation Building in Colombia
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 18 (2021): Misceláneo; 91-100. -
Nets for the Resistance: Contact Points between Argentina and Chile through Political-Cultural Magazines
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
¡No pasarán!: The strength of the madrilenian resistance in the poem by Octavio Paz
Palimpsesto; Vol. 8 No. 14 (2018): Dossier: Guerra civil (española) y literatura (chilena). Impacto e influencias; 82-91. -
On testimony, Fiction and Postmemory as Promises of Redemption. Three Texts in the Centenary of the Tragic Week
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
“Only one notebook and three sheets of paper€” Chamber Fines and Legal Costs in XVII-XVIIIth Century Chile
Palimpsesto; Edición Especial: Diálogos coloniales, miradas cruzadas. Apuntes para la historia colonial chilena.; 097-119. -
Oscar Oszlak, La trama oculta del poder. La Reforma Agraria y comportamiento político de los terratenientes chilenos, 1958-1973
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 10 (2016); 104-106. -
Pablo de Rokha and Madre España: the zenith of social and political commitment in “Imprecación a la bestia fascista”
Palimpsesto; Vol. 8 No. 14 (2018): Dossier: Guerra civil (española) y literatura (chilena). Impacto e influencias; 13-25. -
Pablo Póliczer, Los modelos del horror. Represión e información en Chile bajo la dictadura militar
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 9 (2016); 91-93. -
Patrones de autoorganización en busca de una recategorización aplicada al habitar
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 246-254. -
Paulo Freire and the Argentine social workers. The Early Intellectual Reception of the Brazilian Pedagogue in the Social Work’s Professional Reviews, 1969 – 1973
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 76-102. -
Pedagogy and Politics in the Journal El Pizarrón: from Resistance to Renewal (1978-1990)
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 156-189. -
Philosophical knowledge and its institutional definitions. A reading throw Verbum
Palimpsesto; Vol 12 No 20 (2022): Miscellaneous; 1-22. -
Philosophy of Latin American History and the Social Outbreak in Chile: A Proposal from the Contributions of Arturo Andrés Roig
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 190-202. -
Pilar Pérez. Archivos del Silencio. Estado, indígenas y violencia en Patagonia central, 1878-1941
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 12 (2017): Dossier: Diálogos y debates sobre la violencia en América Latina; 217-219. -
Poetry of Oscar Castro: Influence of García Lorca and Repudiation of the Spanish Civil War
Palimpsesto; Vol. 8 No. 14 (2018): Dossier: Guerra civil (española) y literatura (chilena). Impacto e influencias; 60-69. -
PONER EN EL VER: tramas de significados y lazo social en el Nuevo cine argentino
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 10 (2016); 023-040. -
Posacuerdo en el caribe colombiano. Ilegalidad y nuevas violencias
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 12 (2017): Dossier: Diálogos y debates sobre la violencia en América Latina; 076-096. -
Precarizations of Female Labor and Recognition. Narrative Traces of Female Workers in the Chilean Retail Industry
Palimpsesto; Vol 12 No 21 (2022): Dossier: Trabajo, protección social y políticas públicas en América Latina. Difracciones para la (post)pandemia en el sur; 48-75.