Browsing Revista de Derecho Público by Subject "Jurisprudencia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Bases of understanding for the judicial jurisprudence of extracontractual responsibility of the administration
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 66 (2004); Págs. 371-390. -
Complaint appeal "López contra Atala": sentence pronounced by the Fourth Chamber of the Supreme Court, of May 31, 2004
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 66 (2004); Págs. 419-432. -
Compliance by Chile with the judgment of the Almonacid case of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 69 (2007): Tomo II; Págs. 199-275. -
Judgment of the Constitutional Court on the Bill that creates the financial analysis unit and modifies the Criminal Code on money laundering and money laundering (role 389)
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 66 (2004); Págs. 433-463. -
Jurisprudence of the Hon. Supreme Court on the guarantees of due process in the organic law of the Constitutional Court, according to the 2005 reform in the trials of inapplicability and unconstitutionality
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 68 (2006); Págs. 32-36. -
Jurisprudential summary of article 19 No. 3 of the Political Constitution of the Republic
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 74 (2011): 1er semestre; Págs. 195-210. -
Power of the municipalities to put an early end to the concessions granted
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 73 (2010): 2do semestre; Págs. 237-242. -
Privacy online in the Chilean constitutional case law
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 89 (2018): 2do. semestre; 11-32. -
Resource of economic protection "Aguas Cordillera contra Ministerio de Obras Públicas"
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 61 (1999): 1998/1999; Págs. 232-255. -
Strategic environmental assessment: challenges and proposals of their joining the Chilean legal system
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 77 (2012): 2do semestre; Pág. 99-119. -
Subsidiarity and business state (Critical analysis of the most relevant jurisprudence)
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 66 (2004); Págs. 251-272. -
The judicial jurisprudence on the patrimonial responsibility of the administration and the violations of human rights: problems of compensable funds
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 71 (2009); Págs. 267-294. -
The jurisprudential development of the concept of threat as a precontition for the “Acción de Protección”
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 81 (2014): 2do semestre; Pág. 55-76. -
The legislative process against judges: the case of inapplicability on procedural grounds
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 76 (2012): 1er semestre; Págs. 373-391. -
The nullity of public law; jurisprudential trends
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 67 (2005); Págs. 129-144. -
The patrimonial responsibility of the State administration and its necessary legal modeling based on the enumeration and conceptual delimitation of its budgets
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 66 (2004); Págs. 405-417. -
The principle of prevention in international environmental law
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 69 (2007): Tomo II; Págs. 339-350. -
The principle of publicity before the jurisprudence of the Court for the Defense of Free Competition
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 69 (2007): Tomo I; Págs. 186-198. -
The pro requesting principle in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 63 (2001): Tomo 1; Págs. 564-600. -
The right of one's own image in Chilean doctrine and jurisprudence
Revista de Derecho Público; No. 63 (2001): Tomo 1; Págs. 279-306.