Praxis Psy: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 161
Disorders of consciousness secondary to traumatic brain injuries: essential concepts
Praxispsi; Vol. 25 No. 41 (2024): Invierno 2024. -
Hierarchy of values in Argentine adults: Differences according to gender and age range.
Praxispsi; Vol. 25 No. 41 (2024): Invierno 2024. -
Family narratives on grief and death from COVID-19 in Chile: A psychoanalytic study
Praxispsi; Vol. 25 No. 41 (2024): Invierno 2024. -
Review of the use of mobile digital platforms as a tool for cognitive retraining in patients with brain injuries
Praxispsi; Vol. 25 No. 41 (2024): Invierno 2024. -
Construction of the therapeutic alliance in complex trauma clinic: A scoping review
Praxispsi; Vol. 25 No. 41 (2024): Invierno 2024. -
Praxispsi; Vol. 25 No. 41 (2024): Invierno 2024. -
Competencies for the psychotherapeutic management of depression in institutional PHC settings: learning from the perspective of the protagonists
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Clients’ and therapists’ perspectives on the role of therapists’ values in psychotherapy
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
The application of digital technologies in treatments for obsessive compulsive disorder. Systematic Review
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Criminological intervention with a Gender perspective: Implementation of the “Family/ Couple” intervention module for women sentenced to Probation, Open Gendarmerie System of Chile
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Relación entre desesperanza y riesgo suicida en población reclusa colombiana en detención preventiva
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Web-based mindfulness program for primary health care users with malnutrition by excess (MW- PHC)
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
The repercussions of caring: Family’s caregivers of cancer patients mental health
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Three dimensions of care for adolescents who live in shelters: listening, hosting and accompanying
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023. -
Organizational Justice: Its dimensionality
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023. -
Preliminary evidence of psychometric validity of Portuguese version of Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ-12) for the Mozambican context
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023. -
Creencias y prejuicios de estudiantes y psicoterapeutas chilenos acerca de la diversidad de género
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023. -
Cognitive rehabilitation in people with epilepsy surgery: A systematic review
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023. -
Actuality of the social bond: sexuality, the law and the social in the slang of adolescents
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023.