Browsing Praxis Psy by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 155
A arqueologia da psique: : Nise da Silveira e o Grupo de Estudos C. G Jung no Rio de Janeiro
Praxispsi; Vol. 21 No. 33 (2020): Invierno 2020. -
A Clínica Ampliada na Psicologia: grupos nas salas de espera do hospital geral
Praxispsi; Vol. 21 No. 33 (2020): Invierno 2020. -
A mixed methods pilot study of a 6 month weekly Tai Ji (Tai Chi) group for survivors of acquired brain injury.
Praxispsi; Vol. 23 No. 37 (2022): Número temático: Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica. -
Actitudes de los chilenos hacia las orientaciones aculturativas de los inmigrantes peruanos y su relación con variables intergrupales-Chilean Attitudes toward acculturative orientations of Peruvian Immigrants and their relationship with Intergroup Variabl
Praxispsi; No. 24 (15): II Semestre 2013; 29-56. -
Actuality of the social bond: sexuality, the law and the social in the slang of adolescents
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023. -
Adicciones en mujeres: del estrago materno (Ravage) al arrebato femenino (Ravissement) / Addictions in Women: From Maternal Havoc (Ravage) to Female Rapture (Ravissement)
Praxispsi; No. 27 (17): I Semestre 2015; 21-40. -
Adicción a sustancias químicas: ¿enfermedad primaria o síntoma psicoanalítico? / Addiction to chemical substances: primary disease or psychoanalytic symptom?
Praxispsi; No. 20 (13): II Semestre 2011; 41-60. -
Adjustment and validation of school trust scales in Public Secondary Education in Chile
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 39 (2023): Invierno 2023. -
Age, work and occupational health: Challenges and opportunities for workers and organizations in Ibero-America
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 109-126. -
Alienação parental: avaliação psicológica e entendimento dinâmico / Alienación parental: evaluación psicológica y comprensión dinámica
Praxispsi; No. 26 (16): II Semestre 2014; 49-70. -
Analytical Act, Poetic Act, a Significant Approximation Between O. Paz and J. Lacan
Praxispsi; Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Psychoanalysis and Literature in Europe and the Americas. -
Are interventions to prevent and/or intervene on workplace bullying effective? An analysis of the scientific evidence
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 36 (2021): Summer 2021; 6-22. -
Are There Moral Hinges? ¿Hay bisagras morales?
Praxispsi; No. 18 (2010): II Semestre; 11-28. -
Argumentation sequences in team design communication / Secuencias argumentativas en la comunicación de grupos de diseño
Praxispsi; No. 18 (2010): II Semestre; 107-124. -
Arte Terapia grupal infanto-juvenil en Centro Comunitario de Salud Mental Familiar / Child/youth Art Therapy Group at a Family Mental Health Community Center
Praxispsi; No. 25 (16): I Semestre 2014; 7-36. -
Aspectos teóricos y conceptuales del bullying y del acoso moral / Teoretical and conceptual aspects of Bullying and Moral Harassment
Praxispsi; No. 21 (14): I Semestre 2012; 93-110. -
Associations between therapeutic working alliance and social cognition in neuro-rehabilitation
Praxispsi; Vol. 23 No. 37 (2022): Número temático: Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica. -
Caracterización de la escala de gravedad de síntomas del trastorno de estrés post-traumático en personas afectadas por terrorismo de Estado en Chile: Un cercamiento a la evaluación del daño/Characterization of the Severity Scale of Disorder Symptoms in Po
Praxispsi; No. 24 (15): II Semestre 2013; 89-114. -
Clients’ and therapists’ perspectives on the role of therapists’ values in psychotherapy
Praxispsi; Vol. 24 No. 40 (2023): Verano 2023.