Praxis Psy: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 161
Are interventions to prevent and/or intervene on workplace bullying effective? An analysis of the scientific evidence
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 36 (2021): Summer 2021; 6-22. -
The emergence of innovations in times of covid: An analysis in Mexican universities
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 36 (2021): Summer 2021; 38-49. -
A mixed methods pilot study of a 6 month weekly Tai Ji (Tai Chi) group for survivors of acquired brain injury.
Praxispsi; Vol. 23 No. 37 (2022): Número temático: Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica. -
Which subject for the digital? A critique of digitalization’s roots in (neuro) psychologization
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 36 (2021): Summer 2021; 79-91. -
Associations between therapeutic working alliance and social cognition in neuro-rehabilitation
Praxispsi; Vol. 23 No. 37 (2022): Número temático: Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica. -
Mental health problems or mental health disorders? An illusory distinction
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 36 (2021): Summer 2021; 23-37. -
- Some numbers worth knowing
Praxispsi; Vol. 23 No. 37 (2022): Número temático: Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica. -
Hábitos Alimentarios De Adolescentes Escolarizadas Con Y Sin Riesgo De Tca: Adolescent Eating Habits Of School-Aged With And Without Risk Of Eating Disorders
Praxispsi; No. 29 (18): I Semestre 2016; 27-54. -
Concepciones En Torno Al Reporte De Lectura Como Género Discursivo En Profesores De Universidad: Reading Reports As A Discourse Genre: Conceptions Among University Professors
Praxispsi; No. 29 (18): I Semestre 2016. -
Coaching in organizations: what is the scientific evidence about its effectiveness?
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 27-46. -
Fenomenología Del Tiempo Subjetivo Y Su Relevancia Para La Comprensión De La Experiencia Humana: Phenomenology Of Subjective Time And Its Relevance To Understanding Of Human Experience
Praxispsi; No. 29 (18): I Semestre 2016; 7-25. -
Nature, Significance and Implications of Telework
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 6-26. -
Professional undergraduate internships as a work insertion device: work modality and hiring.
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 47-64. -
The new spacetime of telework: A challenge for the quality of worklife
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 65-77. -
Age, work and occupational health: Challenges and opportunities for workers and organizations in Ibero-America
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 109-126. -
Do intellectual activity and manual work imply different links?
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 91-108. -
From the errors and horrors of psychology at work to the geopolitics of its discourses and practices
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology; 78-90. -
Praxispsi; Vol. 22 No. 35 (2021): Thematic issue: Work Psychology.