Browsing Palimpsesto. Revista Científica de Estudios Sociales Iberoamericanos by Title
Now showing items 9-28 of 174
Barras futboleras, pasiones y capital en Colombia
Palimpsesto; Vol 12 No 21 (2022): Dossier: Trabajo, protección social y políticas públicas en América Latina. Difracciones para la (post)pandemia en el sur; 87-110. -
Between the police initiative and neighborhood participation: coercion, public security and State in Lima during the first years of the republican era
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 8 No 14 (2018): Dossier: Guerra civil (española) y literatura (chilena). Impacto e influencias; 163-177. -
Between the Renovation of the Social Sciences and Intellectual Intervention: Eliseo Verón Publisher in "Tiempo Contemporáneo" (1969-1974)
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 11 (2017); 001-017. -
Bomba Explode Na Cabeça E Estraçalha Ladrão: O Estilo Gângsta Do Cinema De Adirley Queirós
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 10 (2016); 091-099. -
Break the Borders. The Struggles of Migrant Organizations and the Emergence of an Anti-racist Claim (1998-2018, Santiago)
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 18 (2021): Misceláneo; 34-61. -
Building an Intelligent Scientific Ecosystem in Venezuela: Institutions and Legislation for the Future
Palimpsesto; Vol. 13 No. 23 (2023): Miscellaneous; 163-171. -
Carolina Pizarro. Nuevos cronistas de Indias. Historia y liberación en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea
Palimpsesto; Edición Especial: Diálogos coloniales, miradas cruzadas. Apuntes para la historia colonial chilena.; 182-184. -
Cândido Rodrigues, Gizele Zanotto, Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira (organizadores), Manifestações do pensamento católico na América do Sul
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 11 (2017); 220-222. -
Cerdos&Peces. A Magazine to Think about the Transgression in the Democratic Transition in Argentina
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
Che Guevara's Message to the Tricontinental. Crossroads of a New Left
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 9 (2016); 01-13. -
Cinema, Social Ties, Emigration and Contemporary Identities in Larga distancia and Voces de un trayecto
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 7 No 11 (2017); 173-189. -
The Civil War and the Spanish Republican exile in Chilean-Argentinean code (1939): Timón magazine between poetry and history
Palimpsesto; Vol. 8 No. 14 (2018): Dossier: Guerra civil (española) y literatura (chilena). Impacto e influencias; 106-128. -
The Class Revenge of the Dictatorship Confessed in the First Person: The Stories of Martínez de Hoz on the Union, Salary and Distribution Issue (1976-1981)
Palimpsesto; Vol. 13 No. 23 (2023): Miscellaneous; 19-54. -
Claudia Darrigrandi, Huellas en la ciudad: figuras urbanas en Buenos Aires y Santiago de Chile, 1880-1935
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 6 No 10 (2016); 107-111. -
Collective Bargaining: The Case of the Union of the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
Palimpsesto; Vol. 13 No. 23 (2023): Miscellaneous; 125-146. -
Communicative Link: a Phonoaudiological Look through the Perception of the Teenage Mother
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 9 No 16 (2019): Miscellaneous; 107-121. -
Convergences and Divergences: Saussure and Chomsky
Palimpsesto. Scientific Journal of Social Iberoamerican Studies; Vol 9 No 15 (2019): Dossier: Validity of Saussure and Current Challenges in the Study of Language; 35-53. -
Crisis Magazine as a Diffusive Platform of Latin American Literary Culture in the Seventies
Palimpsesto; Vol 10 No 17 (2020): Dossier: Episodes of Latin American Literary History from Intellectual Networks and Archives. -
Cuidados, vulnerabilidad y violencia de género (Argentina 2019-2021)
Palimpsesto; Vol 12 No 21 (2022): Dossier: Trabajo, protección social y políticas públicas en América Latina. Difracciones para la (post)pandemia en el sur; 36-47. -
Culture, Identity and Resistance: Elements for a Debate About the Role of Cultural Management in the Construction of Community Identity
Palimpsesto; Vol 11 No 19 (2021): Dossier: Magazines in the Chilean and Argentinean Left: Debates on the Processes of Political Radicalization, Authoritarianisms and Democratic Transitions from the Intellectual History (1960-1990); 203-212.