Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 628
Overview of ICD-11 Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
Terapia Psicológica; First on line; 305-329. -
Beyond symptoms: an integrated look at the recovery of people diagnosed with Schizophrenia through blended approaches
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024); 187-216. -
Social cognition in cluster B personality disorders: A systematic review
Terapia Psicológica; First on line; 273-304. -
Reasons for living in university students : Results in a Colombian sample
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024); 141-157. -
Psychometric evidence of the Woman Abuse Screening Tool in Peruvian women victims and non-victims of intimate partner violence
Terapia Psicológica; First on line; 415-437. -
Discrimination and symptoms of depression in Haitian migrants in Chile: A sequential-exploratory mixed methods study
Terapia Psicológica; First on line; 353-377. -
7-factor model of autism symptoms in 3-6-year-olds: Age-related changes
Terapia Psicológica; First on line; 379-414. -
Sociocultural influence on body, physical activity and anxiety are related to the symptomatology of muscle dysmorphia in young adults in Temuco: An exploratory analysis
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024); 237-251. -
Psychometric properties of adaptation scale parental socialization styles in chilean adolescents
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024); 253-271. -
Emotional dependence as a mediating factor in the relationship between attachment and the use of social networks in young people
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024); 217-236. -
Maternal Sensitivity and Mental Health in Latin American Mothers: A Systematic Review
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 2 (2024); 159-186. -
Validation of the inventory of negative thoughts in response to pain in the argentine population with primary headaches
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 38 No. 3 (2020); 283-301. -
The effect of discrimination on Mental Health in the Chilean Population
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 41 No. 3 (2023); 363-378. -
Dyadic Analysis of the Inventory of Family Integration in Fathers and Mothers in the city of Arequipa
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024); 1-27. -
Psychometric properties of the Conners-3 Scale (SR-S) in Chilean students
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024); 69-90. -
Parental divorce, attachment to parents and life satisfaction in Chilean adolescents: a comparative study
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 41 No. 3 (2023); 327-341. -
The impact of fathers on the development of children's prosocial behavior during early childhood: A systematic review
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 41 No. 3 (2023); 301-325. -
Victimization and risk factors in children and adolescents admitted into outpatient protection systems in northern Chile.
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 41 No. 2 (2023); 137-158. -
Social representations about Instagram: A qualitative study with emerging adults with different psychological well-being and body self-esteem
Terapia Psicológica; Vol. 42 No. 1 (2024); 123-139.