Onomázein: Revista de Linguística, Filología y Traducción: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 1095
Manel Lacorte y Agustín Reyes-Torres: Didáctica del español como 2/L en el siglo XXI: Arco/Libros, 2021. 342 páginas
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 238-242. -
Collaborative writing: roles in co-authorship and digital resources used
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 75-97. -
The asymmetries between the definite article and demonstratives in referential expressions: comparison between Spanish and Chinese
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 61-74. -
Translating dialectal expressions and terms embedded in Saudi modern novels with a particular emphasis on Ragaa Alsanea’s Girls of Riyadh
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 41-60. -
Onomastic analysis of cats’ given names
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 98-111. -
Combinatorial patterns of the Spanish term delito and phraseological variation in a corpus of Hispanic normative texts on organised crime
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 109-128. -
Of the immortality of the crab and the seven lives of the cat: towards a characterization of Cuban zoomorphic phraseology
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 129-149. -
Phraseological units related to jewelry in general and specialized language: a contrastive study applied to translation (Spanish-French)
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 73-90. -
Distribution and productivity of resultative constructions with “de quicio”: a corpus-based study with Spanish microdata
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 07-29. -
Enhanced Spanish lexicon for the CEFR levels A1, A2 and B1, and basic metalinguistic notions
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 150-167. -
Impact of inclusive language promoted by feminist movements on gender-marked paroemias in Spanish
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 91-108. -
Determiners and gender in fixed verbal constructions
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 30-52. -
Diatopic variation in Spanish wine-related language
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 53-72. -
The treatment of vocabulary combinations in English-Spanish translations of translation students: a didactic analysis
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 225-238. -
When the goal is to reach the consumer. Advertising translation in fast-food chains from a phraseological and diatopic point of view (EN-ES-FR)
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 207-224. -
¡Valor y al toro!: cultural contrastive study of Spanish-German comics
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 188-206. -
The passive paremiological competence of university students with advanced mother tongue and foreign language proficiency: a case study
Onomázein ; Special Issue XIV: Variation(s), teaching and translation: Research(s) in phraseology; 168-187. -
Interpreting students’ perceptions of interpreter status, market order, and educational support and their commitment to the profession: a survey in China
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 01-40. -
Processes leading to fostering fluency in English as a foreign language (EFL) in a university context
Onomázein ; No. 63 (2024): March; 110-125.