Browsing Onomázein: Revista de Linguística, Filología y Traducción by Title
Now showing items 351-370 of 1095
Fabio Alves & Arnt Lykke Jakobsen: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition: (Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2021. 570 pages)
Onomázein ; No. 61 (2023): September; 236-242. -
Factores clave en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español como lengua extranjera (E/LE)
Onomázein ; No. 13 (2006): Junio; 135-145. -
Factors affecting translation of realia in classical literary masterpieces: access to the previous translations, the SL natives, and the SL experts
Onomázein ; No. 56 (2022): June; 184-205. -
Factors and learning strategies of preadolescents in Chinese as a foreign language. Case study in Spain
Onomázein ; No. 43: 2019; 157-175. -
Factors that influence the comprehension of Spanish relative clauses: exploratory study
Onomázein ; No. 42: 2018; 23-52. -
Fang Tang: Explicitation in Consecutive Interpreting
Onomázein ; No. 43: 2019; 176-180. -
Fashion Anglicisms in Spanish Gossip Magazines
Onomázein ; No. 40: 2018; 49-55. -
Federica Scarpa: Research and Professional Practice in Specialised Translation: London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 419 pages
Onomázein ; No. 56 (2022): June; 212-216. -
Fenómenos gramaticales y recursos modalizadores del enunciado en el español culto de Santiago de Chile
Onomázein ; No. 5 (2000); 143-151. -
Félix San Vicente (dir. y coord.): GREIT. Gramática de referencia de español para italófonos
Onomázein ; No. 40: 2018; 183-187. -
Flapping of coronal /n, l, d, s/ in Spanish
Onomázein ; No. 64 (2024): June; 112-136. -
‘Focusing’ on periphrastic passives. Information structure of passive sentences in Spanish
Onomázein ; No. 48: 2020; 107-127. -
FOKKE AKKERMAN Y PIEST STEENBAKKERS (EDS.) Spinoza to the letter: Studies in words, texts and books
Onomázein ; No. 18 (2008): Diciembre; 181-183. -
Force dynamics and conceptual metaphor in “pasarse de largo”. A Cognitive Linguistics study
Onomázein ; No. 22 (2010): Diciembre; 107-124. -
Foreign language and aesthetic reading: study of the current situation in primary classrooms of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, Spain
Onomázein ; Número especial VI: Investigación en enseñanza de lenguas desde una perspectiva global ; 254-273. -
Foreign pronunciation in lexical imports: Punctual conventionalization in Buenos Aires Spanish
Onomázein ; No. 33: 2016; 310-326. -
Formative perceptions, relevance of subjects and contents present in the careers of language translation and interpretation: a look from the perspective of the students
Onomázein ; Número Especial X: Nuevos enfoques y metodologías para la enseñanza de la traducción e interpretación; 159-172. -
Forms of treatment in Instant Messaging: address mechanisms in written conversations of two Spanish varieties
Onomázein ; Número Especial IV: Apelación en el discurso digital; 142-160. -
Fostering Understanding: Some Considerations to Improve Communication Between Patients and Healthcare Providers in Mental Health Settings
Onomázein ; No. 31: 2015; 265-281.