Browsing Diseña by Title
Now showing items 125-144 of 166
Safe Niños and Fresh Eyes Cuba: Mariana Amatullo and Design for Social Innovation
Diseña; Núm. 11 (2017): Diseño y Política; 180-201. -
Sensing Landscape as a Media Object
Diseña; No. 16 (2020): Testing Against The World: What do tools do (for you) in Experimental Knowledge Infrastructures and Practices?; 148-173. -
Soma Design: On Articulation, Materiality, Politics, and the Body. Interview with Kristina Höök
Diseña; No. 20 (2022): Design and Somatic Sensibilities; Interview.1. -
Some Problems with the Concept of ‘Technology’ in Design: Interview with David Edgerton
Diseña; Núm. 18 (2021): Historia del diseño, las técnicas y la tecnología; Interview.2. -
South-South Dialogues around Buen Vivir-Centric Design
Diseña; No. 21 (2022): Design, Oppression, and Liberation (1st issue); Article.4. -
Speculative Prototypes and Alien Ethnographies: Experimenting with Relations Beyond the Human
Diseña; Núm. 11 (2017): Diseño y Política; 134-147. -
‘Squeaky/Pain’: Cultivating Disturbing Experiences and Perspective Transition for Somaesthetic Interactions
Diseña; No. 20 (2022): Design and Somatic Sensibilities; Article.2. -
Structures Surrounding the ‘User’ in User Engagement: Gender-based Violence Design Engagements
Diseña; No. 22 (2023): Design, Oppression, and Liberation (2nd issue); Article.2. -
Student Strike as a Critical Pedagogy Practice in Graphic Design Education
Diseña; No. 21 (2022): Design, Oppression, and Liberation (1st issue); Article.5. -
Tales of Resistance in the National Graphic Art: The Experience of the APJ and Taller Sol During the Dictatorship
Diseña; Núm. 10 (2016): Nuevas Narrativas; 74-81. -
Techniques from Magic Applied to Design (TMAD)
Diseña; Núm. 14 (2019); 210-223. -
Tender infrastructures: Diseñando con cuidado, o aportaciones entre los “asuntos de los cuidados” y la arquitectura
Diseña; Núm. 12 (2018): Re-aprendiendo a diseñar: Experimentos pedagógicos con STS en talleres de diseño; 172-195. -
Tensing the Present: An Annotated Anthology of Design Techniques to Inquire into Public Issues
Diseña; Núm. 14 (2019); 68-99. -
Testing Against the World
Diseña; No. 16 (2020): Testing Against The World: What do tools do (for you) in Experimental Knowledge Infrastructures and Practices?; 12-30. -
The Armor of a Researcher: A Critical, Material Engagement with Somatic Experiences
Diseña; No. 20 (2022): Design and Somatic Sensibilities; Article.3. -
The Bands and The Wave: Narratives in Architecture
Diseña; Núm. 10 (2016): Nuevas Narrativas; 28-41. -
The Books of Artist María Verónica San Martín: Visual Narrative of the Horror in Chile
Diseña; Núm. 10 (2016): Nuevas Narrativas; 82-91. -
The Case for Minor Gestures
Diseña; No. 22 (2023): Design, Oppression, and Liberation (2nd issue); Article.6. -
The Contemporary Revolution of Montage (A Traductive Genealogy: Poetry - Film - Architecture - History)
Diseña; Núm. 10 (2016): Nuevas Narrativas; 118-131. -
The Electric Fluid and the Search for Materiality: Visions of Energy and Technology in the Advertising of the First Electric Lights. Santiago, Chile. 1900-1920
Diseña; Núm. 18 (2021): Historia del diseño, las técnicas y la tecnología; Article.3.